Sheng-Wen LO (b. 1987, Taiwan) is currently based in the Netherlands. His work investigates the relationships between non-humans and contemporary society, often using daily experiences as points of departure. As a maker, his practice encompasses still and moving images, installations, games, and various media. He holds an MA in Photography from AKV|St.Joost in the Netherlands and an MSc in Computer Science from the Computer Music Lab at National Taiwan University. He is an alumnus at the Rijksakademie (2019-2021) and currently is the ‘ARTISt-in-residence’ of ARTIS Zoo in Amsterdam (2025-2026). 

Lo is the creative director of Lightbox, a public photo library and center for contemporary photography in Taipei. He facilitates dialogues between Taiwanese and international contemporary photography scenes through talks, writings, and collaborations. Since 2019, he has been collaborating with the Embassy of the North Sea on various oceanic agendas. His recent works have been shown at Foam Fotografiemuseum, EYE Filmmuseum, World Press Photo (NL), Saatchi Gallery (UK), Rencontres d’Arles (FR), Taiwan Biennial (TWN), and Manifesta 15 (ESP). He was selected as Foam Talent in 2021 and received support and fellowships from the Mondriaan Fonds, De Nederlandsche Bank and the Prince Claus Fund.

Contact: (workshops, talks, collaboration proposals are much welcomed)

Collection inquiries:

CV in PDF:  English (Latest) | 中文     Portfolio in PDF: English

Supported by Kunstenaar Basis


◆   2015 - 2017  |  MA, Photography, AKV | St. Joost, Netherlands

◆   2009 - 2012  |  M.Sc., Computer Science (Computer Music Lab), GIEE, National Taiwan University

◆   2005 - 2009  |  B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

◆   2016  |    Certificate,  Animal Behaviour and Welfare, The University of Edinburgh

◆   2016  |    Certificate,  Dairy Production and Management, The Pennsylvania State University


◆  2025-2025 | Resident Artist - ARTIS Zoo, Amsterdam

◆  2023-2024 | Pre-biennial research, Manifesta 15, Barcelona

◆  2023 | Tutor, Royal Academy of Arts, London

◆  2022 |  Workshop lead - Kunstakademie Karlsruhe, Germany

◆  2022 | Resident Artist - Les Rencontres d'Arles/Fotodok

◆ 2021 |  Lecturer - Kunstakademie Karlsruhe, Germany

◆ 2021 |  Workshop lead - Camera Arts, Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland

◆  2019-2021 |   Resident Artist - Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten

◆  2018 - |   Guest Lecturer/Ambassador - World Press Photo

◆  2018   |   Guest Lecturer - BredaPhoto Festival MasterClass

◆  2016 - |   Creative Director - Lightbox (public photo book library & space for contemporary photography)

◆  2015 - |  Commissioned maker (White Bear) - National Geographic, Taiwan

◆  2014-2016  |   Co-founder/Consultant - Avocado Co., Ltd. ( printmaking studio )

◆  2013  | Company Chief Counselor, Armed Forces Reserve Command, MND, Taiwan (ROC)


◆  Solo

2025 EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, Italy (16 Apr. - 2 Jun.)

2023 White Bear, Avocado Art Lab, Taipei, Taiwan

2022 Matter of Scale, Hong-gah Museum, Taipei (30 Jul.-2 Oct.)

2022 Fallout, Avocado Art Lab, Taipei (20 Aug.-18 Sep.)

2020 F/EEL, with Yi-Fei Chen, Embassy of the North Sea / Marineterrein Amsterdam (20 Nov. - 6 Dec.)

2020 Extendable Ears, FOAM Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam (21 Feb. - 28 June.)

2018  BredaPhoto international photo festival, Breda, The Netherlands (5 Sep. - 21 Oct.)

2017  White Bear, Organ Vida International Photo Festival, Greta GalleryZagreb, Croatia

2017  TUNA, Atlas Initiatief AIR #1 Expo, Breda, The Netherlands

2015  White Bear, Wanderer Studio, Taipei

2013   Pedigree Human, (interactive performance/installation), Dajia River Park, Taipei



2025 WASTELAND Festival: (Infra)Structures of Waste, Rotterdam (Jun. -  Jul.)

2025  "Civilization: The Way We Live Now”, Kunsthalle München, Germany (Apr. -)

2025  Theater of the Times, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan (29 Mar. - 13 Jul.)

2025  Art Central, Hong Kong (26 Mar. - 30 Mar.)

2025  Extendable Ears, MOCA Taipei, Taiwan (17 May. - 24 Aug.)

2025  Whose Ocean Assembly, Theater De Regentes, The Hague (30 Jan.)

2024  Matter of Scale, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (Nov. - Apr.)

2024  The ocean speaks, Disseny Hub Barcelona/Manifesta 15 (10 Oct. - 23 Feb.)

2024  Manifesta 15, Barcelona (8 Sep. - 24 Nov.)

2024  ART TAIPEI (24 Oct. - 28 Oct.)

2024  We Are Born by the River, Tainan Art Museum, Taiwan (9 Jul. - 13 Oct.)

2024 Civilization, Jut Museum, Taipei (16 Mar. - 30 June)

2023 HERE NEAR, Les Rencontres d'Arles, France (Jul.-Sep.)

2023 Civilization, Saatchi Gallery, London (Jun.-Sep.)

2023 ONE ART Taipei (Jan.)

2022 Civilization: vivere, sopravvivere, Buon Vivere, Musei San Domenico, Italy (Sep.-Jan. 2023)

2022  Neighbour North Sea, Quartair, The Hague (Nov.)

2022  Coexsist -  Fotofestiwal, Łódź, Poland

2021 Foam Talent, FOAM Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam (on view)

2021 PhotoIreland Festival, Dublin, Ireland (1-31 Jul.)

2021 Rijksakademie Open Studios, RABK, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (17-27 Jun.)

2021 reGeneration4, YUZ Museum, Shanghai, China (28 Apr-15 Aug.)

2021 "Civilization - Quelle époque !", MuCEM: Musée des Civilisations de l'Europe, Marseille, France (24 Feb.-28 Jun.)

2020  Taiwan Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan (17 Oct.-28 Feb.)

2020  Generation Z, Noorderlicht Fotofestival, Museum Belvédère, Netherlands (18 Jul. - 20 Sep.)

2020 reGeneration4, the Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow, Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne, CH (27 May.-6 Sep.)

2020 Intergalactic Environmentalists #1, Trixie, The Hague, The Netherlands (6-15 March)

2020 Prospect & Concepts (Mondriaan Fonds), Art Rotterdam, The Netherlands (6-10 Feb.)

2020 Animal Lab, Hsinchu 214 Art Center, Taiwan (14 Jan.-22 Mar)

2019 Rijksakademie Open Studios, RABK, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (22-24. Nov.)

2019 Taiwan International Video Art (TIVA) Screening, Paris Asian Art Fair, France (16-20 Oct.)

2019  "Civilization: The Way We Live Now", National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), Melbourne, Australia (13 Sep - 2. Feb 2020)

2019 Summer Open Day & “Recipe About Art", Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei, Taiwan (22-30. June)

2019  "Civilization: The Way We Live Now", Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China (9 March - 19. May)

2018  "Civilization: The Way We Live Now", National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Korea (18 Oct. - 17. Feb. 2019)

2018  "Offline Browser", 6th Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei (20 Oct. - 13 Jan. 2019)

2018   Arena - Video and Beyond, Cortona On The Move, Italy (12 July - 30 Sep.)

2018   LhGWR, Den Haag, The Netherlands (8 June - 14 July)

2018   World Press Photo, Amsterdam, The Netherlands & various cities

2018   Debiutas 2018, Lithuanian Photographers Association, Vilnius, Lithuania 

2018  "New Chic", Riga Photomonth, Riga, Latvia

2017  "Really Real", Roodkapje, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2017   Belfast Photo Festival, Northern Ireland, UK

2017   36 Little Good Things, Cortona On The Move, Cortona, Italy

2017  "Right Here, Right Now", Fotofestival Naarden, The Netherlands

2017  "HABITAT", FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby, UK 

2017  "Emerging Talents Exhibition", International Center of Photography (ICP), New York, USA

2016  "Yet Another Gaze – A New Horizon for Contemporary Taiwanese Photography"Lianzhou Foto Festival, China 

2016  "Revelations", (Fallout), Organ Vida International Photo Festival, Zagreb, Croatia

2016   9419, short film, w/ Research Lab St.Joost, EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2015  "REPLAY" (Fallout), video gameplay, photographs, AKV St.Joost, Breda, Netherlands

2014   Des Scripts, photographs, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris

2011    SDINGUHOTS, video installation, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei

2011    Kaleidoscope, sound & photography installation, National Taiwan University, Taipei

2009  Change (變),  photographs, Fujifilm Gallery, Taipei

Artist in Residencies

2025-2026 | ARTIS Zoo, Amsterdam

2023 | Pre-biennial research, Manifesta 15, Barcelona

2022 | Les Rencontres d'Arles/Fotodok

2019-2021 | Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam

2017. Oct | The Arctic Circle - Autumn Expedition, Svalbard, North Pole

2017. May |  Atlas Initiatief AIR, Breda (Project: TUNA, Review: Metropolis M)

2017. Jan |  foundation B.a.d, Rotterdam

Awards and Grants

2023 |  Winner, ONE ART Award, ONE ART Taipei, Taiwan

2023  | Selected artist, FUTURES European Photography Platform / FOTODOK

2022 |  Kunstenaar Basis, Mondriaan Fonds, NL

2022 | Pauwhof Fonds, NL

2022 |  Project grant, Digital Art Center (DAC), Taipei, TW

2021 |  Foam Talent

2021 |  STARTS Prize Nominee, S+T+ARTS

2020 | Pauwhof Fonds, NL

2019 |  Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Fellowship (Rijksakademie)

2019 |  De Nederlandsche Bank Fellowship (Rijksakademie)

2019 |  Foam Paul Huf Award Nominee

2019 |  Prix Pictet Photography Prize Nominee

2018 |  Grant (Rijksakademie Fellowship), National Culture and Arts Foundation (國藝會), Taiwan

2018 |  Werkbijdrage Jong Talent (Stipendium Emerging Artists), Mondriaan Fonds, NL 

2018 |  Winner, World Press Photo, Digital Storytelling - Short Form, Amsterdam, NL

2017 |  Winner (FORMAT Award), Portfolio Review, FORMAT Photo Festival, Derby, UK

2017 |  Winner, Photo Feature Award, FORMAT Photo Festival & Chinese Photographers magazine, Derby, UK

2016 |  Winner (Best Portfolio), Portfolio Review, Organ Vida International Photo Festival, Zagreb, Croatia

2016 |  Winner, Emerging Talent Award & Exposure Award, Lensculture

2015 |  Winner, Best Portfolio Award - Portfolio Review, Young Art Taipei

Teachings and Events

2024 | Talk, Matter of Scale, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (11 Oct.)

2024 | Not Illegal Fishing Competition, Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana (11-14 Jul.)

2024 | Living Tower Talks #9, Mediamatic, Amsterdam (28 Jun.)

2024 | Not designed for you, excursion, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam (5 Jun.)

2024 | Talk, Jut Art Museum, Taipei (Mar.)

2024 | Lecture, National Taichung Theater (NTT), Taiwan (Jan.)

2023 | Tutorial, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK

2023 | Panel, Trigger #5 Launch, FOMU (Fotomuseum Antwerpen)

2023 | Lecture, University of Portsmouth, UK

2022 | Workshop, Ambassade van de Noordzee, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (Oct. 22-23)

2022 | Lecture, NTUPHOTO, National Taiwan University, Taipei (22. Sep.)

2022 | Lecture/Workshop, Digital Art Center (DAC), Taipei (Sep. 18)

2022 | Talk, with Pin-Hua Chen, DAC.TW, Taipei (7. Sep.)

2022 | Talk, Lightbox Photo Library, Taipei (19. Aug.)

2022 | Workshop, Kunstakademie Karlsruhe, DE (25-28 Apr. )

2022 | Lecture, École nationale supérieure de la photographie, France (21 Mar)

2022 | Lecture, Oceanic Imaginaries, Studium Generale Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam (19 Jan.)

2021 | Guest Lecture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (13 Dec.)

2021 | Lecture, Kunstakademie Karlsruhe, DE (30 Nov.)

2021 | Panel, Ac/kademie #2: North Sea Tales, Jan van Eyck Academie and Rijksakademie, NL (27. Oct)

2021 | Workshop, Camera Arts, Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland (28 Sep.-1 Oct.)

2021 | Talk (with Maria Delaney), PhotoIreland, Ireland (28. July)

2021 | Reading on Empathy III | With guest reader Sheng-Wen Lo, Sea Foundation, NL (8. July)

2021  | Talk (panel), North Sea Stories, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, NL (25 Jun.)

2021  | Talk, Documentary Futures: New Ecologies, Science and Aesthetics, University of South Wales, UK (10 Jun.)

2021  | Panel (with Emily Shin-Jie Lee), Posthuman Futures in Literature and Art, OSL/NICA Symposium, NL (4 Jun)

2021  | Talk, PANT Online #7, 荷蘭皇家視覺藝術學院(Rijksakademie)的駐村日常, online (15 May.)

2021  | Visiting lecture, Institute of Photography, Falmouth University, UK (25 Apr.)

2021  | Panel, Embodied Interface, webinar

2020 | Talk (Panel), ‘THE EEL IS ALSO AN AMSTERDAMMER’, De Balie, Amsterdam

2020 | Talk, PANT online #2 與羅晟文和陳儀霏聊 F/EEL 鰻魚逃脫計畫, online (13. Dec)

2020 | Talk (Panel), PANT Public #2, online

2019  | Talk, ‘Photobooks Shaping Society, UNSEEN Book Market, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam (22. Sep)

2019  | Talk (Panel), UNSEEN x Futures, Westergastheater, Amsterdam (21. Sep)

2019  | Talk (Panel), UNSEEN x ARIAS, SPUI25, Amsterdam (21. Sep)

2019 | Talk, Lightbox Photo Library, Taipei, Taiwan (12. July)

2019  | Talk (Panel), Pier-2 Artist In Residence, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (14. Apr)

2019  | Guest Lecture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (8. Apr)

2019  | Guest Lecture, AKV St.Joost Master Institute, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands (14. Mar)

2019 | Lecture, World Press Photo, Rotterdam World Trade Centre, The Netherlands (3. Feb)

2018 | Artist Talk, Offline Browser, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan (20. Oct.)

2018 | Talk, Lightbox Photo Library, Taipei, Taiwan (12. Oct.)

2018  | Talk, TEDxTaipei, Taiwan (30. Sept.)

2018  | Panel Talk, BredaPhoto Professional Week, Gallery MotMot, The Netherlands (9. Sept.)

2018 | Talk, World Press Photo Associates Dinner, De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2018  | Lecture, World Press Photo, Zwolle, The Netherlands

2018  | Talk, World Press Photo Festival, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2018  | Guest Lecture, BredaPhoto Festival MasterClass, The Netherlands

2018  | Guest Lecture, Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (FHK), Tilburg, The Netherlands

2017  | Lecture, Organ Vida International Photo Festival, Zagreb, Croatia

2017  | Lecture, FORMAT Photo Festival, Derby, UK

2016  | Talk, PHOTO TALKS Special Event, Lightbox Photo Library, Taipei, Taiwan

2015  | Talk, PHOTO TALKS #01, Lightbox Photo Library, Taipei, Taiwan

Critic Reviews

Kim Knoppers / Scherpstellen: acht auteurs over de ontwikkeling van fotografie binnen de beeldende kunst, Mondriaan Fonds, 2023

Yu-Ning Cheng / Art Accrediting v.101, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, 2023

Bo-Yi Shen 沈柏逸 / 崩壞與重繪尺度:談羅晟文、蘇郁心、吳其育的藝術式研究,報導者,2022

Zoe Yeh 葉佳蓉 / Matter of Scale (curator’s review), Hong-gah Museum, 2022

Shinjie Lee 李欣潔 / 在人類世重新想像與其他物種的關係:感知型密室逃脫《F/EEL》, 空總實驗波CLABO, 2021

Kim Knoppers / Extendable Ears by Kim Knoppers, curator at Foam, 2020

Shinjie Lee 李欣潔 / 羅晟文的「伸縮耳」:一個關於聽與聆聽的實驗與反思, 今藝術 ARTCO, 2020

Tsung-huei Huang / Taipei Biennale 2018 SYMPOSIUM: Art Work as a Means of Creating Utopian Visions

Emma Kisiel / Muybridge's Horse, 2018

Sujong Song / [사진 속으로] 북극곰 프로젝트 (White Bear) , Khan ArtView, 2016

Marie-Odile PERULLI / Reportage au coeur du festival de photo incontournable en Chine, ELLE, 2016

Kuo, Li-Hsin 郭力昕 / White Bear (curator’s review), Wanderer Studio, 2015

Selected Press & Publications 

PDF version: link

2023  | Trigger #5, FOMU (Fotomuseum Antwerpen)

2023  | La Provence,L'incroyable chasse aux trésors de Sheng-Wen Lo (Jul.)

2023  | The Guardian, A polar bear theatre in Rotterdam zoo

2023  | 鏡新聞: 文藝賦格 - 身而為人的意識 / 何思瑩

2023  | De Correspondent, Waarom is krimp zo moeilijk? Veeteelt is de kern van onze cultuur / Thomas Oudman

2022 | PALM, magazine Jeu de Paume, (Un)cover Letter - F/EEL / Federica Chiocchetti

2021  | De Correspondent, The world behind clothing invisible? Not if you gather your own down jacket / Emy Demkes

2021  | De Groene Amsterdammer - Namens de mossel maak ik bezwaar / Julia Kantelberg

2021 | Foam Magazine #58: Talent

2021  | Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, ’We Had Plans’ (book)

2020 | NRC - Hoe het is om even een paling te zijn / Sophie van der Stap

2020 | Het Parool - Een paling krijgt nogal wat te verduren bij zijn entree in Amsterdam / Bart van Zoelen

2020 | Metropolis M - Wanneer gaan we eindelijk iets doen? - bij de uitreiking van de Spinozalens aan Bruno Latour / Marsha Bruinen

2020 | Télé - “reGeneration4” : les meilleurs photographes de demain s’exposent à Lausanne

2020 | reGeneration4, Musée de l'Elysée / Scheidegger & Spiess, ISBN: 978-3-85881-857-47

2020 | 空總實驗波CLABO: 非人生物與當代社會間的關係,《伸縮耳》與荷蘭Rijksakademie駐村實紀

2020 | Foam 3h: Sheng-Wen Lo - Extendable Ears (Cahier)

2020 | Next Nature Network: Interview

2020 | DAMN° 75: Drowning in Data – Information Art. by Edo Dijksterhuis

2019 | 凝視・1095 —《報導者》2015-2018影像集

2018  | World Press Photo / Witness: Interview

2018  | De Telegraaf (printed & online): Een donsjas zonder dierenleed (Down)

2018 | Civilization: The Way We Live Now, Thames & Hudson, ISBN: 0500021708

2018 | 序文《以動物為鏡》,黃宗慧 著,啟動文化出版

2018  | ARCHIVO: Fallout

2018  | 今藝術 ARTCO #309: 荷蘭當代攝影 (Dutch Contemporary Photography) (printed & online)

2018  | Feature Shoot: Interview (Down

2018  | UDN / CTA (當代動物思潮): Interview

2018  | The Reporter (報導者) I Interview

2018  | VICE China: The Creator Project (Down)

2018  | AD Magazine (printed & online): De favoriete hebbedingen van fotograaf Sheng-Wen Lo

2017  | VOP 攝影之聲:《2017 SHOUT特輯》(Fallout)

2017  | World Press Photo/ Witness: Interview (Organ Vida Photo Festival 9th Edition Artist)

2017  | de Volkskrant: (printed & online) Ijsberenblues

2017  | Metropolis M: Atlas Initiatief AIR #1 (TUNA)

2017  | AD Magazine: (printed & online) Interview

2017  | De Morgen:  (printed & online) Waarom ijsberen ijsberen

2017  | SPIEGEL ONLINE: So leben Eisbären in China und Europa

2017  | National Geographic: (printed & online) Picture Stories 

2017  | The Guardian: White Bear: at home with the polars

2017  | Huffington Post: Culture and Arts

2017  | El País: Sin noticias del Ártico


2017  | Discussie over dieren in gevangenschap

2017  | It's Nice That: Interview

2017  | Wired: Interview

2017  | MSN: Following the White Bear  

2017  | Quest: (printed) Beren Burcht

2017  | GEO:  (printed) Interview

2017  | Konbini: Interview

2017  | 中國攝影家雜誌(China Photo):(printed) 訪談(FORMAT攝影節特稿獎)

2017  | 色影無忌:訪談

2017  | 農傳媒:當北極熊不再雪白

2015  | 中國時報:白熊計畫展覽專訪 (8月16日)

2015  | 攝影世界雜誌(北京): 訪談 (7月)


Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland

Ambassade van de Noordzee, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan

Avocado Art Lab, Taipei, Taiwan

Private collections