Video game on overfishing and sustainability.

關於過漁與永續漁法的電玩。觀眾可以誘捕黃鰭鮪魚(超市常見的近危魚種),從過漁與遊戲畫面推理如何才能永續作業。本次展覽裝置於漁船囤放漁獲的艙體內,是我在Atlas Initiatief(前波蘭漁船)駐村(2017年五-七月)的成果發表。

In this game, the player catch yellow-fin tuna, a common fish sold in supermarkets but listed "Near Threatened" in the IUCN red list. The player can easily experience the consequences of overfishing, and have to figure out how to fish sustainably.

This is the result of my artist in residence period (May-July.2017) on Atlas Initiatief, a former fishing vessel. Great thanks to Laura Schippers and Stijn de Geus for the opportunity and kind help.

Hardware: Mac mini or Macbook, Xbox 360 controller or keyboard.

TUNA - exhibition gameplay footages

Residency exhibition on Atlas Initiatief, former fishing vessel HEL-141, July 2017.

The chamber for the installation was where the caught fish was loaded (during 1974-1996).

TUNA (Gameplay)

Case 1 - Overfishing

Case 2- Sustainable Stock

Case 3- Bycatch

Endgame & Scoreboard

 Installation of 'TUNA' in fish chamber.

Installation of 'TUNA' in fish chamber.

 Gameplay setup with Xbox 360 controller.

Gameplay setup with Xbox 360 controller.

 Installation view #2,  Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (2019)  ‘Media Schip’

Installation view #2, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (2019)

‘Media Schip’