Watch Out: Taiwan
On view: 臺北市立美術館「時代劇場:當代影像的複數演繹」,2025年3月29日至7月13日
《看路》是一場正在臺灣進行的大型尋寶遊戲。我們常忽略生活中的野生動物,卻偶爾會發現路上有扁掉的動物。臺灣每年約有1,500萬至2,000萬隻陸生脊椎動物遭車輛撞擊 [1]。駕駛為了趕路,道路卻成了危險的人造棲地,威脅許多野生與保育類動物的生存。
儘管路上有許多警示標誌,但問題仍在。因此,羅晟文發起這場遊戲,希望藉尋寶鼓勵人們慢下來、關注周遭生態。他與金工珠寶設計師曾翊捷合作,根據「路殺社」資料庫,以及他在全國各地找到的路殺,設計珠寶並放置於發現路殺動物的地點附近。共12件珠寶被置於各地 [2],總值逾95萬新臺幣。遊戲向所有人開放,找到者可獲得該珠寶作品 [3]。此外,羅晟文亦在藏寶點附近拍攝地景,作為尋寶線索,展示在本次展覽中。
[1] 資料來源:生物多樣性研究所「路殺社」
[2] 尋寶範圍包含臺灣本島與外島
[3] 珠寶絕不會放置於國道,禁止於國道上尋寶
On view: Theater of the Times: Contemporary Images and Their Many Interpretations, Taipei Fine Arts Museum. March 29 - July 13, 2025.
WATCH OUT is an ongoing large-scale treasure hunt in Taiwan. Wildlife often goes unnoticed, yet we often see roadkill. Each year, 15 to 20 million terrestrial vertebrates are hit by vehicles in Taiwan [1]. Roads have become deadly artificial habitats, threatening wildlife and endangered species.
Despite official warning signs, roadkill remains a serious issue. To raise awareness, LO Sheng-Wen launched this game, encouraging people to slow down and reconnect with their surroundings. In collaboration with jewellery designer ZENG Yi-Jie, he created jewellery pieces inspired by roadkill records from the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network and his own findings. These 12 pieces were placed near where animals were found [2], with a total value exceeding 950,000 NTD. The game is open to all—whoever finds a piece keeps it [3]. LO Sheng-Wen also documented landscapes near the treasure sites, with photographs and videos displayed in this exhibition as clues.
Duration: March 29, 2025 – March 29, 2026
[1] Source: Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute ‘Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network’
[2] Covers Taiwan’s main and outlying islands
[3] Jewelleries were not placed on highways. Searching on highways is prohibited.
手冊設計:Karin Fischnaller / The Anderen
IG: @watchout.2025.2026
共同協作:路殺社、生物多樣性研究所、Mondriaan Fonds
The 2025 project, WATCH OUT, commissioned by the exhibition Theater of the Times: Contemporary Images and Their Many Interpretations, organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum from March 29 toJuly 13, 2025.
Author: LO Sheng-Wen
Jewellery design: ZENG Yi-Jie, LO Sheng-Wen
Jewellery material: brass, red copper, stainless steel, asphalt, epoxy resin
Booklet design: Karin Fischnaller / The Anderen
Publisher: LO Sheng-Wen & Taipei Fine Arts Museum
First published in Taiwan, March, 2025
Special thanks to: LIN Te-En, LIU Wei-Ping (Georny), JIANG Wanci
IG: @watchout.2025.2026
Organizer: Taipei Fine Arts Museum
WATCH OUT IS MADE POSSIBLE BY: Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network, Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, Mondriaan Fonds